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Elmira College’s Speech and Hearing Clinic offers a variety of clinical services, both diagnostic and therapeutic, to those in the community who have speech, language, and/or hearing problems. The Clinic also provides the College’s undergraduate students with practicum experiences they need to complement their academic coursework.
All clinical services are either provided or supervised by professional audiologists or speech-language pathologists who hold the appropriate credentials in their fields.
Contact: Speech and Hearing Clinic at (607) 735-1840 or
Because our audiologist and speech-language pathologists have teaching and other academic-related responsibilities, the number of evaluation appointments available throughout the week are limited and are only being scheduled for Term III at this time.
Recommendations are shared with the client/family. If we recommend enrollment in therapy, every attempt will be made to enroll the client as soon as possible. The Clinic often has a waiting list, so It is difficult to predict how long you might have to wait before an opening becomes available.
Speech and language therapy is delivered in 25-minute sessions twice weekly by undergraduate clinicians and supervised by faculty members. The Clinic schedule follows the College academic calendar. The Clinic is closed when students are not on campus. A Clinic calendar is provided at the beginning of the academic year in September or when the client begins therapy.
In some rare instances, the Clinic may not be able to provide service to clients who have severe medical conditions, behavior management needs, or certain communication problems. In this situation, one of the professional staff will help guide the family to other qualified service providers.
These fees may change. Fee reduction on a sliding scale, according to self-reported household income, is available to families and individuals for whom the cost of services proves an undue financial burden. Elmira College does not accept third party payments but will provide the client/family with reports and support processing their claims.