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Grounded in the liberal arts and sciences, Elmira College provides a collaborative and supportive environment that enables students to become active learners, effective leaders, responsible community members, and globally engaged citizens.
The legacy of academic excellence at Elmira College runs deep with a heritage and culture that have been forward-thinking from day one, as the first college for women with a course study equivalent to men's.
At Elmira, you’ll have opportunities that shape your future, raise your sights and equip you with targeted tools and skills to succeed in the professional world. Join a community that’s close-knit, fun-loving, and just the right amount of quirky.
Elmira College makes a private education more affordable than you realize, with a number of ways to get the financial assistance you may need. Our financial aid office can guide you through options, including scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study programs.
Elmira College includes meeting students from around the world, participating in Elmira traditions, completing community service projects, and hopping into a pickup kickball game.
Elmira College provides you with a foundation for future success.
The home of the three-time NCAA National Champion Elmira College Soaring Eagles.
Elmira College alumni stay connected and engaged with the College long after they graduate.
Gifts to Elmira College ensure excellent academic and co-curricular opportunities for generations of EC students.
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With over 35 majors and minor areas of concentration, Elmira College lays the foundation for a diverse, cross discipline education, encouraging you to both specialize and explore.
Looking for registration deadlines, spring break or when grades are due? Our academic calendar has all of the important events for this academic year.
Info For
Meet new people, explore your talents, have some fun, and make a difference through our clubs and organizations.
Elmira College is home to more than 50 incredible student clubs and organizations, which you can join at any time during the academic year. Getting involved with clubs is a great way to explore your interests, delve into activities you care about, and forge lifelong connections with the friends you meet.
You’ll find clubs for most interests and academic pursuits. To help you get to know Elmira’s campus organizations, the College hosts a Clubs & Organizations Fair each fall during Term I. In the meantime, we invite you to explore the options below.
Can’t find a club that matches your interests? Start one yourself. Get some friends together and contact the Office of Campus Life. We’ll happily help you complete all the steps necessary to start and promote a student club on campus. Email us at to get started.
"The campus is much more lively thanks to the clubs. The Black Student Union provides a platform for those who would not typically have a voice and has played an important role in my college life, introducing me to many other students."
–Jasmine Knox '26
Art Club
Art Club is a club not just for art majors or people with high levels of drawing or painting skills, but for anyone who loves art or wants to expand their knowledge of art. Its mission is to provide a relaxing and fun environment for students to express their creativity. Through weekly meetings, the club will explore new mediums and styles, or give you the opportunity to work on a project of your own. The club will also use your collective work to give back to our community and make the arts more visible on campus.
Competitive Dance Club
The Competitive Dance Club provides an opportunity for students to compete in dance at the NCA/NDA Nationals hosted each April in Daytona Beach, Florida.
Golden Groove Pep Band
The Golden Groove Pep Band, which is open to students, alumni, and employees, adds to EC’s campus culture, helps build school spirit, and provides new arts opportunities that create a sense of community and pride for EC community members. Participation in the Pep Band is open to all students, regardless of academic major.
Elmira College Danceline
Danceline promotes school spirit, provides halftime entertainment at athletic events, and represents the school and community at dance team appearances and competitions at all levels. Its mission is to provide dancers with a successful and meaningful experience in a positive and healthy environment. The success of this team is due to a strong commitment from the dancers and the captains.
The Chiclettes
The Chiclettes is a student-run women's a cappella group that performs on and off campus. They enjoy making music for the college and community and rehearse three times a week for two hours. Members are selected through open auditions held at least once per academic year.
Circle K Club
Circle K's purpose is to focus on Leadership, Service and Fellowship. Our mission is to give back to the community while raising great leaders and building friendship along the way.
Elmira College Dance Marathon
Elmira College Dance Marathon works to raise funds and awareness to change kids’ health and change the future for our Children’s Miracle Network Hospital.
Rotaract Club
Rotaract's purpose is to give back to the community and help students fulfill the community service requirement. The campus group is affiliated with Rotary.
Active Minds
Active Minds provides opportunities for students interested in the field of psychology to socialize together and emphasize the importance of mental health on campus.
Bioplastics Pals
The mission of Bioplastics Pals is to collaborate and work on a solution to single-use plastic infesting our earth.
Black Student Union
The Black Student Union's mission is to provide a safe space for students who identify as Black, African, or part of the African Diaspora, AND to any student who is searching for a safe space to chat about pressing societal issues and "hot topics'' while simultaneously learning through the expression of other students and the stories they wish to share.
Chemistry Club
The Chemistry Club promotes academic excellence, undergraduate research, and service to the community and profession within Chemistry.
Club Men's Ice Hockey
The club Men's Ice Hockey team provides an opportunity for students to play ice hockey outside of the varsity-sponsored athletic programs. The Soaring Eagles team will compete in the Upstate New York Collegiate Hockey League, which is primarily comprised of smaller colleges and universities in Upstate New York and has grown to Pennsylvania and Vermont.
Dungeons & Dragons Club
The Dungeons & Dragons Club provides a place for students to get together and play Dungeons & Dragons while helping to improve the sense of community on campus and teamworking skills.
Environmental Science Club
This is a group for students interested in the environment. The Environmental Science Club partakes in activities/demonstrations relating to the environment and work to implement environmental sustainability at EC.
FIGHT (Fight for Inclusivity, Gender, Humanity, and Transparency) Club
The FIGHT Club highlights feminists who want to fight for inclusivity, gender, humanity, and transparency.
Hiking Club
Hiking Club is a way for adventure seekers to find community and get outside. Through a google chat, members will be able to plan spontaneous hikes with one another, and be in the loop for larger planed group hikes that will occur about once a month.
International Club
The purpose of this club is to bring international students together in the EC community. The club wants to create a space for international students to come together, to share their experiences living outside and inside the USA. The club is also a resource for members to support each other and to provide a sense of belonging.
ISAA (Intercultural Student-Athlete Alliance)
The ISAA integrates the student-athlete experience in hopes of cultivating relationships and networking amongst student-athletes on campus. The alliance also strives to create an environment where student-athletes can share personal, academic, and professional issues and highlights with a diverse group.
Mock Trial Club
You will learn essential skills such as public speaking, critical thinking, and the art of forming a persuasive, cohesive argument as you prepare to simulate a real trial.
Morgan's Message
Morgan's Message is a mental health club that focuses on student-athletes. Its mission is to help eliminate the stigma behind athlete mental health and to provide a community others can confide in.
PRIDE (Providing Rights for Individuality and Diversity at Elmira) Club
The PRIDE Club's mission is to provide a safe and inclusive space on campus for LGBTQ+ students and allow for an exchange of ideas.
Tennis Club
Hit the courts and have fun with other students who enjoy the game of tennis.
The Callisophia Society
The Callisophia Society is a new club established in 2024, but it is also one of the oldest clubs EC has offered. The new Society re-establishes the tradition of the original "Callisophia Society," the first women's society on the Elmira College campus. In 1886 the Society published their first bi-monthly magazine called The Callisophia, which was dedicated to women in the sciences. Eventually, the magazine became more general in content, and it now includes art, poetry, fiction, and other cultural commentary. The Society's mission is to solicit content, design an annual issue, fundraise, and conduct other related activities to support the magazine and women's and gender issues on Elmira's campus and beyond.
Student Association (SA)
Provides governance for the student body at Elmira College. Members include a five-member Executive Council elected each spring and a senator representing each student organization.
Student Alumni Council (SAC)
Bridges the gap between alumni and students on campus. The council works with connecting alumni and students as well as building the EC community.
Student Athletic Advisory Committee (SAAC)
The Student Athletic Advisory Board is composed of student-athletes on the board. The representatives voice the concerns of their sports teams, vote on NCAA rules and legislation, and work together to promote athletics at Elmira College and the wider community. Board officers are elected yearly by the representatives and each representative serves on a board committee geared towards either Marketing, Student Outreach, Student Welfare, or the Special Olympics event.
Nursing Club
The mission of the Nursing Club is to provide an environment for nursing students to get connected with one another and have support as a nursing student. The club also aims to work with its members to be active and bring awareness about health related issues to the college community and the surrounding area.
As a club devoted to preparing future educators, TEACH strives to connect classroom content with real world experience. The club discusses current issues facing the classroom and how to transition from student to teacher. It is also committed to community engagement, and performs several projects throughout the year that use members' talents and passions to improve the surrounding community.
National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSHLA)
The Elmira College chapter is among more than 340 chapters of the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association. The goal of the NSSLHA is to help you prepare for a professional career in communication sciences and disorders as you navigate your academic career.
Phi Beta Kappa (Liberal Arts)
Founded 1776, Originated at Elmira College 1940
Phi Beta Kappa celebrates and advocates excellence in the liberal arts and sciences. Its campus chapters invite for induction the most outstanding arts and sciences students at America's leading colleges and universities. The Society sponsors activities to advance these studies
Beta Beta Beta (Biology)
Founded 1922, Originated at Elmira College 1960
Beta Beta Beta (TriBeta) is a society for students, particularly undergraduates, dedicated to improving the understanding and appreciation of biological study and extending boundaries of human knowledge through scientific research.
Psi Chi (Psychology)
Founded 1929, Originated at Elmira College 1971
Psi Chi is the National Honor Society in Psychology, founded in 1929 for the purposes of encouraging, stimulating, and maintaining excellence in scholarship, and advancing the science of psychology.
Phi Alpha Theta (History)
Founded 1921, Originated at Elmira College 1978
A professional society whose mission is to promote the study of history through the encouragement of research, good teaching, publication and the exchange of learning and ideas among historians. They seek to bring students, teachers and writers of history together for intellectual and social exchanges, which promote and assist historical research and publication by our members in a variety of ways.
Alpha Psi Omega (Theatre)
Founded 1925, Originated at Elmira College 1987
The purpose of Alpha Psi Omega is to stimulate interest in theatre activities at Elmira College. The society provides a reward for members by their participation in theatre activities on campus and in the community.
Kappa Delta Pi (Education)
Founded 1911, Originated at Elmira College 1988
Your academic excellence and dedication to the teaching profession can earn you the opportunity to belong to Kappa Delta Pi, the world's largest association of outstanding education professionals. Kappa Delta Pi is the only organization that represents all educators.
Phi Eta Sigma (Freshman)
Founded 1923, Originated at Elmira College 1990
Phi Eta Sigma was founded by three distinguished Phi Beta Kappa members, professors, and administrators to encourage and recognize high scholastic achievement among members of the freshman classes. Phi Eta Sigma is the third most senior member of the Association of College Honor Societies.
Alpha Phi Sigma (Criminal Justice)
Founded 1942, Originated at Elmira College 1995
Alpha Phi Sigma is the only National Criminal Justice Honor Society for Criminal Justice Majors. The society recognizes academic excellence of undergraduate, graduate students of criminal justice, as well as juris doctorate.
Omicron Delta Kappa (Leadership)
Founded 1914, Originated at Elmira College 1995
Omicron Delta Kappa, the National Leadership Honor Society, was founded December 3, 1914 at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia by 15 student and faculty leaders. The founders formulated the idea that leadership of exceptional quality and versatility in college should be recognized, that representatives in all phases of college life should cooperate in worthwhile endeavors, and that outstanding students, faculty, and administrators should meet on a basis of mutual interest, understanding, and helpfulness.
Sigma Beta Delta (Business)
Founded 1994, Originated at Elmira College 1996
Sigma Beta Delta Honor Society for students in business, management, and administration serves institutions which offer baccalaureate and graduate degrees in business, management, and administration where the institution holds accreditation from one of the six regional accrediting bodies but not specialized accreditation in business.
Sigma Theta Tau (Nursing)
Founded 1922, Originated at Elmira College 1997
The international honor society of nursing. It recognizes excellence in scholarship, research, and practice. Membership is by invitation only to undergraduate and graduate students, and is based on outstanding scholarship, high professional standards, and development of leadership qualities. The name of the organization is derived from the initial letters of the Greek words meaning love, courage, and honor.
Pi Sigma Alpha (Political Science)
Founded 1920, Originated at Elmira College 1999
Pi Sigma Alpha, the National Political Science Honor Society, is the only honor society for college and university students of government in the United States. The number of Pi Sigma Alpha chapters on campuses across the country is rapidly approaching 700. Pi Sigma Alpha is a member of the Association of College Honor Societies.
Iota Iota Iota (Women's Studies)
Founded 1992, Originated at Elmira College 2002
Iota Iota Iota is the academic honor society for the field of Women and Gender Studies. Iota Iota Iota is named for the ancient goddesses, Inanna, Isthar, and Isis. The purpose of the organization is to encourage and support scholarship and excellence in Women and Gender Studies.
Pi Mu Epsilon (Mathematics)
Founded 1914
Pi Mu Epsilon honors excellence in the field of Mathematics.
Lambda Alpha (Anthropology)
Founded in 1968, Originated at Elmira College 2019
Lambda Alpha supports scholarship and research by acknowledging and honoring superior achievement in the discipline among students engaged in the study of anthropology. Superior academic performance is recognized through membership in the society. Lambda Alpha rewards academic excellence through the annual awarding of student scholarships, research grants, and student paper prizes.
Gamma Sigma Epsilon (Chemistry)
Founded 1919, Originated at Elmira College 2015
Gamma Sigma Epsilon is a national chemistry honor society founded in 1919 at Davidson College. The original fraternity was created to promote academic excellence and undergraduate research scholarship in chemistry. In 1931, the fraternity became a co-educational honor society.
Alpha Alpha Alpha (First-Generation)
Founded 2018, Originated at Elmira College 2023
Alpha Alpha Alpha (Tri-Alpha) promotes and recognizes academic excellence among first-generation college students while providing opportunities for personal growth, leadership, development, and campus and community service.
Campus Activities Board
The Campus Activities Board provides weekly entertainment for students, including comedians, musicians, hypnotists, black laser light tag, inflatable twister, go cart racing, and graffiti wall art as well as showing blockbuster films and travel to cities such as Philadelphia, New York City, Baltimore, Salem, and Washington D.C.